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It is not only important to write something that will catch the eyes of the audience - but
it is also important that you, the creator are happy with the final result

Content Editing: I will point out the following:

Structural Editing

* weak characters

too many characters or too wordy - may not sell well as the story could get boring if there are too many words. Readers may find it repetitive and too hard to follow

* a plot that is not credible or exciting

* does the opening grab the attention of the reader

* are the main characters established early enough in the story

* predictable ending

* does the hero always win - making it easy for the reader to get bored

* are the characters believable

* is there enough rising tension in the story


     Both copy and content editing are important as you can always write a story in perfect English, but without these two editing components, the story can get boring to the reader. 

     Most writers will write their first novel because they enjoy the writing. They fail to realize that the reader may get a very different feel for the novel. The first draft is often for you, the writer. Now go back and rewrite it for the reader. They are your audience and they are the ones that will purchase your ticket to success. 

Copy Editing

* editing spelling, grammar, style, and punctuation

* enhances text's readability - language, transition, ensuring logical flow and continuity

* examines the organization of the writer

* examines how the piece's structure works to communicate its message

* takes a macroscopic look at the writing as a whole

Line Editing


* done at later stages of the writing process where the content and structure are just about publication-ready

* reads text line by line, making sure everything flows smoothly

* refine writing with a fine-tooth comb, tightening sentence structure

* last stage of editing before a piece is considered final

* one final pass through to make sure the piece is free of grammatical errors, formatting issues, and typos


* process of checking facts, making sure they are accurate

* ensuring slang is appropriate for the era of your writing


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